Best Place to visit in Bihar , Bodh Gaya and Kaimur

1. Bodh Gaya

where is bodh Gaya ?

Bodh Gaya is a religious site in Gaya district of Indian state of Bihar. Bodh Gaya is situated in southern part of Bihar in the bank of falgu or niranjana river.Bodh gaya is the holiest site in budhism. Also known as uruwela in the budha's time . It is situated by te bonk of niranjana river.

Importance of Bodh Gaya

The great ashoka built it's first temple in this site. Traditionally , Budha was born n 563BC on the following asupicious baisakhi purnima. As shidharth, he reounced his family at the age of 29 in 534bc and travelledand meditated in search of truth. He gave up that practise self-meditation for 6 years at uruwela in gaya. Then discovered noble inlightment abd gae eight fold path without help from anyone. 

Place to visit Bodh Gaya 

In 2002 year mahabodhi temple of Bodh Gaya declared UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE. In bodh Gaya you can find many site seeing thing such mahabodhi temple, The great Budha statue, Sujata Stup, pegoda shaped bodh temple and many more things to watch like panting sculptures etc.

How to reach Bodh Gaya?

  • You can go by simply bus Patna to Bodh Gaya via Rajgir
  • Can hire a rented car
  • Gaya Airport is 7 km from Bodh Gaya
  • Bodh Gaya is 10 km away from Gaya railway station 
2. Kaimur 

where is kaimur?

Kaimur is the district of Indian state Bihar. It is situated in south western tip of Bihar. In the past it was together with rohtas district.

Place to visit in Kaimur 

kaimur wildlife sanctuary is situated in kaimur district which is largest sanctuary of Bihar.
In this sanctuary you can find many endangered flora and funna. rohtash garh fort and shergarh fort are located in forest. Bihar government is planning to develop into tiger reserve. Kaimur wildlife sanctury located in rohtas platue here many water fall and site seeing place you can find.

How to reach Kaimur?
  • By bus from sasaram and bhabua
  • Bhabua railway station is nearest to kaimur wildlife sanctuary
  • You can hire rented car