Kanwar Jheel Bird Sanctuary

where is Kanwar jheel?

where is kanwar lake situated?

Kanwar jheel, as it is locally called, is located 22 km north-west of Begusarai Town in Manjhaul. It is a residual oxbow lake, formed due to meandering of Burhi Gandak river, a tributary of Ganga, in the geological past. Kanwar jheel is located in bihar is Asia's largest fresh water oxbow lake. In november 2020 ministry of environment, forest and climate change declare it first ramsar site in Bihar.

How much broad is Kanwar lake?

It covers 2,622 hectares of the Indo-Gangetic plains in the northern Bihar State. The Site is one of 18 wetlands within an extensive floodplain complex; it floods during the monsoon season to a depth of 1.5 metres. This absorption of floodwaters is a vital service in Bihar State where 70% of the land is vulnerable to inundation.

Significance of Kanwar jheel?
During the dry season, areas of marshland dry out and are used for agriculture. Significant biodiversity is present, with 165 plant species and 394 animal species recorded, including 221 bird species. The Wetland is an important stopover along the Central Asian Flyway, with 58 migratory waterbirds using it to rest and refuel. It is also a valuable site for fish biodiversity with over 50 species documented. Five critically endangered species inhabit the site, including three vultures – the red-headed vulture (Sarcogyps calvus), white-rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis) and Indian vulture (Gyps indicus) – and two waterbirds, the sociable lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) and Baer’s pochard (Aythya baeri). Since 2020 the lake has been designated as a protected Ramsar site.
Birds in the region
  • Oriental white backed vulture
  • long billed vulture
  • Greater adjutant
  • Greater spotted eagle
  • Lesser kestrel
  • Indian darter
  • painted stork
  • Sarus crane

How to reach Kanwar jheel?
If you want to go Kanwar jheel from different states of India can take a flight or train to Patna or Darbhanga. from there you can go by bus or rented car. The nearest railway station is Begusarai station the nearest bus stop is Jaimanglagadh; and the nearest airport is Lok nayak jayaprakash narayan Airport in patna.

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kanwar jheel
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